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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cleanliness is next to impossible. ~Author Unknown

Mess is what happens when a. I am never here & b. we all get sick. Actually we're not even sick sick, just * a little unwell.* Ditz may actually be sick. I am cancelling all her outside activities as the primary symptom is a sore throat & a massive headache which means she is in no condition to huff & puff her way on an instrument. However as our supervisor is visiting on Friday I must actually do some housework, something I only ever do under duress, but especially dislike when I don't feel well.

Mindless activities are great for several unrelated activities. Prayer. Plotting novels. Writing poetry. There's something about unrelated movement that frees the mind & why I dislike cooking. I can't write stories & cook. Something must give. Usually it's the food.

Headaches I take straight to bed but we lay around like dead chooks yesterday watching the cyclone satellite ~ I told you we were unwell; that's even duller than watching paint dry ~ so today I must catch up & pretend we actually have a grip. I don't feel like I have much of a grip on anything today & thanks to Hamish our temperatures are oscillating wildly along with the humidity. In between showers I have to try & dry the washing ~ outside line so it could be a losing battle. And I am procrastinating. Can you tell? Ok. Off we go!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'll be praying that you all get better quickly. Is Hamish showing signs of blowing itself out, yet?

We have a sunroom, where we dry our washing (clothes) in summer, as we live on a dirt road, and the clothes usually end up dirtier than they started out. The only things that we hang on the clothes line (Hills hoist) are sheets and towels, and they are brought in as soon as they are dry.

I lived in Queensland for a while, and the cyclones really worried me!

Diane Shiffer said...

isn't it terrible.. when i am "unwell" (as i was on sunday) the house just falls to tatters around me. amelia was gone for the day and when she walked in the door, she said, "sheesh this house is a mess!"

it's not like i do it all.. the kids help out and do a lot. but when i am not up to "cracking the whip" it just doesn't get done. and then of course i have all that make-up to do once i am feeling up to snuff. like today- we have guests coming over at 10:00, and here i sit procrastinating too;)

i'll pray for you and your house and you can pray for me and mine.. deal?☺

Ganeida said...

Diane: Done deal!

Sandra said...

I hope it's a short bout of unwellness (I know, that's not a word!) and that you are back to snuff soon. I have had a very long spell, as in all winter, of procrastination and my house is the victim. I never have visitors, so no forced motivation.