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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Of holes & windows & gaps in the world.

When written in Chinese the word "crisis" is composed of two characters - one represents danger and the other represents opportunity. ~John F. Kennedy, address, 12 April 1959
Of all the things ever created the gap is the most alluring ~ the window, the gap in the wall, a gate, a door, a hole in the hedge ~ through which one may glimpse things half seen, enticements of what lies beyond. The Japanese understood this very well, creating *frames* for their views, & history understands this for the allure of history is not in what we know but in what still lies half buried in the past.

God understood very well what he made when he made man & so the world is full of holes like Swiss Cheese. Holes are all of science & what math desperately tries to fill. Poetry looks at the holes & sees something beautiful ~ or frightening, but certainly something worth commenting on! Most of the birthday treat & Christmas present lies in not knowing. Knowing is not half as much fun as not knowing.

There is a verse in Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy 29:29, which is why I remember it, that always amuses me: The secret things belong to the Lord our God; but the things that are revealed belong to us & to our children forever, that we might do all the words of this law. We have been given just enough to whet our appetite, not enough to satisfy us.

I like gaps. I like bends in the road. I like to imagine what lies beyond, what more there is that can't yet be seen & so while contemplating my own demise is a little scary because we were made to be immortal & death is an outrage [re~read Genesis if you don't believe me] & I don't do transitions well, or so Dearest says, this holey old world gives me glimpses into another, one devoid of fear, one of unimaginable beauty, peace & purpose & I can't wait to show my passport & claim my citizenship because it is a fact I will not live in this world forever ~ but I will live forever. Now we see as in a glass darkly but then...ah, then! Isn't then a wonderful word; full of promise. I know that then the hunger in my soul will be appeased. Then what is wrong will be made right.

There are other *thens*, the secret desires of a heart: to walk with my Lord through the garden in the cool of the evening. Is there anything more pleasant? I often walk with my girls in the cool of the evening. As the heat dies the cool air brings drifts of scent that the heat has drained all day & it is invigorating after the lethargy of the heat. The stars shatter across the sky. If you live with too many lights you do no know how many stars there are or how wild & beautiful the Milky Way is fanned across the sky. Glimpses...

Make haste, my Beloved, & be like a gazelle or a young stag upon the mountain of spices.

I wait for the moment, & it will come because this life is not for forever, when my Beloved seeks me out & says to me: 'Arise, my love, my fair one, & come away...' Then, ah, glorious word, then I will slip through the gap between the worlds & round the bend in the road to behold what no eye has seen nor mind concieved.


Diane Shiffer said...

this post really spoke to me today... brought tears to my eyes actually.

thanks dear...

Destination...Gloryland! said...

I love that quote. Just as crisis provides an opportunity, I recently read how temptation is also an opportunity to overcome and cling to His strength. It's all about perspective and more often than not, mine needs tweaking... Thank you.

seekingmyLord said...

Since my mother's passing, my own mortality has been much on my mind, as you know.

Thank for a message that spoke to my heart.