Go mbeannai Dia duit.

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Quaker by conviction, mother by default, Celticst through love, Christ follower because I once was lost but now am found...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Onward to Chile...

"I wasn't God's first choice for what I've done for China…I don't know who it was…It must have been a man…a well-educated man. I don't know what happened. Perhaps he died. Perhaps he wasn't willing…and God looked down…and saw Gladys Aylward…And God said - "Well, she's willing." ~Gladys Aylward <

Time to update ~ because, well nothing much has happened for a bit.  Liddy was sitting on about 60% of the funds she needed & the clock was ticking down with it looking as if she would not reach her goal this year & would be forced to wait another 12 months.  As she hasn't been able to find work this was not news any of us wanted.  And yes, we heard very clearly, "Trust Me."

Look, I know, intellectually I know, God is the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills; He made & owns everything in the world & out of it.  Therefore I should just trust Him, right?   We live too close to the edge of disaster all the time for that to come easy.  I was starting to fret. Then in a matter of hours the last few hundreds rolled in & that allows us to plan ahead a little & work towards the 100% funding it would be nice for Liddy to have.  It means she can organise her passport & think about her air fare, plan her luggage, start preparing mentally because there is a good chance that when she comes home we won't be here anymore on our little island in the sea so goodbye really is goodbye.  Yes, we are planning a move ~ maybe.  We have somewhere in mind but feel God is still preparing the place & there is still unfinished work for us to do here. 

So to all those of you supporting us in prayer & financially, or just following along ~ thank you! So much!  Yes, it is super exciting & yes, I 100% believe this is the work the Lord has called Liddy to ~ just the other day the Lord was asking if it was still a yes from me if Liddy went & we never saw her again, if she went & was unable to return home?  and I was like, What?!  Seriously?  But it is still a yes.  Just the same, we are talking my daughter here, the baby girl I thought I would never have.  After 3 boys & twins no less, girls were looking a remote possibility.  We are talking my baby, the kid who stood on street corners & rang home to ask me to google & give her street directions.  We are talking the kid whose love language is quality time & who spends hours chatting with me.  The kid who owns the Skype. So yeah, I am looking at Dearest's little ebay business & calculating a laptop with inbuilt camera & Skype because there is no way, Hosea, that that kid is going to stop talking just because there is an ocean, a continent & several time zones between us! Nope.  Won't happen.

Short term, she is speaking tonight & again on Sunday so prays would be appreciated.  Long term, thank the Lord for His peace ~ because we do have peace.  Lots of froth & bubble on the surface but the depths are undisturbed. Gratias.


seekingmyLord said...

I have no words of great wisdom that you do not already know. It will all work out, Ganeida, as much as you both hope it will (and that it will not).

Ganeida said...

Seeking: Blogger is having a spac attack & won't let me comment on your blog but prayers for you; no words of wisdom. ♥

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Hope it works out for you... though can't imagine you leaving your island...

Serena Abdelaziz said...

Trusting IS so hard. Praying for you all as God leads you down another road that can only bring you closer to Him. <3

Julie said...

What a lovely young woman. If my heart is moved just looking at her photo, imagine the heart of God toward her! :)

Rosemary said...

Ganeida, I tried commenting over the last couple of days and couldn't, very frustrating!!! I think I've found a way around it now and I think it works!!!
I am thankful to the Lord for His provision for Liddy, yay! Praise God for skype too eh! I can't imagine what I would do in your situation, I'm enjoying this time with my dd and hope it doesn't go by too fast:(